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Spring-heeled Jack the mysterious ghost

During the Victorian era, a mysterious entity has created panic in most part of England. He would appear from nowhere in any part of England, especially London. He has a devil-like figure who leaps from roof top to roof top. He was like an " Acrobatic Ghost". Press and public named him "Spring heeled Jack" because of his ability to leap into the air. His prime victims were women and soldiers. He was generally observed between seven in the evening to midnight. Any attempt made to trap him or to attack him, either he would jump supernaturally high or just vanish in thin air. As first the tales of this devil-like figure were not accepted. But people started coming forward and started claiming that, they have seen him. In October 1837, a girl named Mary Stevens, who was working as a servant. She was walking to Lavender Hill, where she works. And on her way thr

Mystery of Dual Existence

In the year 1908,  United Kindom. The House of Lords (upper house of the parliament of the United Kingdom) was in session. The Conservative Party was trying its best to defeat the Liberal party to form a new government.  To save the government; it was necessary for the members of the Liberal party to be present in the house. Unfortunately, one of the member, Sir Corn Raush, was unable to attend the session due to flu.         But, when the division occurred, it was discovered that he was available in the house.    How was that possible? Everyone knew that he is in bed, then how could he make it to the house?  His presence in the house was investigated by three members, Sir Gilbert Walker, Sir Arthur Hatter and Sir Henry Onerman. They confirmed that he was present in the house by documents and proceedings of the house on that day.    Actually, he was on his bed as well as in the House of Lords.       This was one of the unexplained cases which leave us bewildered.  How can a pers

daughter's murder revealed by mother's dream

    Today, Investigation Department solves many cases with the help of advanced science, methodology, lie detection, and many other methods. Now, if I take you back to the period when the techniques of today's progress are not available, and in those days if a murder had taken place in such a planned manner, no one knew that such a crime had taken place. Then it almost becomes a perfect crime for the killer to travel freely.   Like a murder that occurred in Polstead, Suffolk, England, in 1827 without leaving any witnesses, and the killer was happy with his life, not knowing that someone's mysterious dream will catch him.   Maria Marten, the daughter of Thomas Martin, a molecatcher from Polstead, Suffolk. She formed a relationship with her neighbor William Corder. Maria was an attractive woman, and her relationships with the men in the neighborhood had already resulted in two children. William Corder was the son of a local farmer who was a fraud and a womanizer.    Corder wish